13 07 2010
Google TV
Google is actively working on a way to bring internet content on demand to our televisions.
However, in my experience, one of the reasons why WebTV hasn’t taken off in the past is because the tools used to control the TV and computer are entirely different.
On a computer, I’m sitting comfortably at a desk with a keyboard and mouse that contours my seated position.
On the couch, I kick my feet up use one hand for the remote, and one hand holding a beverage. If there was a way to intuitively operate the TV without sitting in front of a keyboard or using voice commands, it would revolutionize the way we watch TV and potentially interact with all electronic devices.
One such way to manipulate the screen, hand free, and voice free (which I hate) is to use eye tracking devices. After a quick browse through the internet, I found at least one institution performing research on the matter.
It’s not hard for me see this working with new 3D TV technology hitting the shelves at electronic retailers. To get the 3D experience, the user must wear relatively comfortable 3D eye wear. Would it not be that hard to integrate eye tracking into the glasses? Only time will tell.
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